About Me

Hi, I'm Michael. Here's a bit about what makes me, well, me. Down at the bottom, there's some info about where to find me elsewhere.


I'm a Software Engineer/SRE on the Core Systems team at ZipRecruiter. I formerly worked at Foursquare on their Infrastructure Engineering team.

I work with Kubernetes and find it fascinating and fun.


I still watch a bit of anime and play some games, but I primarily follow Japanese idols from the Love Live! franchise in my free time. I love to share my passion for Love Live!, so they'll feature on my blog with some frequency. Love Live! is also a good motivator for my ongoing battle with learning Japanese. If I have a good breakthrough in self-study, I'll share it.

I enjoy playing darts with friends. It's a lot of fun even though I'm not great.

I run a reasonably large homelab which is full of old enterprise gear. I also self-host Kubernetes, its both fun and totally overkill. My lab has its own special flavor of jank, which eventually will make its way into posts.

I love attending conventions! I try to attend SCaLE, Anime Expo, and Def Con every year.

Where to Find Me

You can find me on the Fediverse, sharing photos on pixelfed.social and (maybe) posting things that catch my attention on infosec.exchange as @mikansoro. I'm not very active, but I'm trying to use it more often. mikansoro is also my name on github.

I'm known as @timidtogekiss on other parts of the internet, such as twitter and discord. My twitter account is largely for interacting with the Japanese idol scene, so I won't post other things often there.